Modern Dating and Self-Worth

Abdullah Tahir
5 min readMay 4, 2024


Hey everyone, let’s talk about something we’ve all wrestled with at one point or another – dating and how it ties into our self-worth. It’s a complicated dance of figuring out who we are while opening up to others.

The Shallow Trap of Choosing Partners Based Solely on Looks

  • If the only reason you like a woman is because she’s pretty, you’ve got some self-reflection to do. To say it another way, at the end of the day, you will choose a pretty woman over an average-looking woman. So is it a woman’s fault?
Photo by see plus on Unsplash
  • Absolutely, judging a person purely on looks is shallow and misses the essence of what relationships are really about. Looks fade, but qualities like kindness, intelligence, humor, and integrity endure. It’s important to think about what really matters in a partner.
  • Choosing someone just because they’re attractive overlooks the whole person behind the appearance. Everyone has more to offer than just their looks, and recognizing that helps build healthier relationships.
  • Plus, blaming someone for their appearance, whether calling it a fault or not, just doesn’t make sense. It’s on us to broaden our perspectives and appreciate deeper qualities in people.

Subtle Flirting

Photo by Good Faces on Unsplash
  • To easily touch a woman, stand closer to her. It is obvious, yet many men will never take the risk. They are concerned about making the woman uncomfortable. If the lady feels uncomfortable, she will express it, and you should respect that boundary; nevertheless, in many circumstances, if you are flirting with a girl and she is chatting to you, she is intrigued and wants you to touch her.
  • Don’t expect her to initiate the contact or flash you a bright green light. Touching comprises gradually increasing touch and seeing her reaction. Passive acceptance of contact is a green light; if she doesn’t want you to touch her, she’ll let you know right away.
  • When you’re trying to connect with a woman, physical proximity can indeed be an important part of the equation. However, the key is to always ensure comfort and respect boundaries. It’s a dance of sorts – you make a small, respectful gesture, like a casual touch on the arm during a laugh, and then you have to read her response. If she seems at ease, smiles, or reciprocates, those can be positive signs. But remember, every move should be considerate and should never make her feel pressured or uncomfortable.
  • It’s crucial to stay attuned to her reactions at all times – if she steps back, crosses her arms, or shows any sign of discomfort, take that as a clear signal to back off.
  • Good communication, verbal and non-verbal, forms the cornerstone of any successful interaction. Flirting should be fun and enjoyable for both people, never a source of pressure. And remember, mutual respect is the foundation of any genuine connection.

Challenging Misandrist Norms

  • Is the phrase ‘men will be men’ okay to use or not? :
  • What is meant by the statement “men will be men”? Additionally, they utilize this term in a disparaging way, which is why I strongly disagree to it. For instance, they show males pursuing women with the tagline “men will be men,” or they show men lying with the same tagline. Saying that “women will be women” in a reversed gender context is sexist and will get you the label “misogynist.”
  • However, guys use this expression without hesitation or regret. The worst part is that males don’t seem to mind and instead take it lightly. Men are not even aware of how common misandry is.
  • The phrase “men will be men” is problematic because it generalizes and excuses inappropriate behavior based on gender stereotypes. It’s crucial to raise awareness about these issues and promote respectful and inclusive language and behavior for all genders.

The Crush Conundrum

  • Honestly speaking, it’s better not to have a crush. It saves you from the whole I-like-him/her-but-he/she-doesn’t-like-me-back-so-I’m-upset phase and the dramas that follow later.
  • Crushes are like wanting a toy from the store. You really, really want it, but when you get it, you realize it’s not as great as you thought, or maybe it breaks really easily.
  • So, instead of always wanting that toy, why not play with the ones you already have at home? They might not seem as exciting at first, but they’re reliable and can bring you a lot of happiness in the long run. Same goes for crushes: instead of always chasing after someone new, focus on the people who already care about you and make you happy.

Embrace Relationship Freedom

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash
  • Experts has said. That if you love someone, set them free. If someone is yours, they will definitely come back.
  • People make so much noise that the husband or wife will not have an affair. So much monitoring. Waste your time.
  • All is ignorance. You just free yourself from this worry. That you have nothing to do with your partner’s romantic or sex life.
  • As a rule, you should remember that just opening the marriage does not mean that both parties will start having an affair immediately. Don’t waste time worrying.


Instagram: haochenvlogs



Abdullah Tahir

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